Space and Time DB to Offer Secure Data for Web3 Smart Contract Verification

Space and Time DB aims to become the decentralized SQL service for Web3 apps.
  • Space and Time DB offers a database warehouse with optimized access.
  • Apps can gain fast data for internal usage or for their own smart contracts.
  • Space and Time DB partners with ChainLink and is compatible with leading Web3 blockchains.

Space and Time DB aims to become a decentralized warehouse to store data for smart contracts. As the complexity of blockchain ecosystems grows, so smart contracts need reliable data to verify their operations. 

Recently, Space and Time DB gained attention after an endorsement by ChainLink, one of the top infrastructure projects for Web3. 

The Space and Time DB project launched its beta in Q2, 2023, and its impact on the Web3 space is yet to be counted. 

Space and Time DB Offers SQL for Smart Contracts

Space and Time DB will work as the SQL for smart contracts, offering confidential ZK-proof transactions. The goal is to speed up the work of apps, by pre-loading data from some of the blockchains. 

Reliable blockchain data and fast access is key to building the new generation of Web3 apps, where lag and real-time blockchain usage are too slow. 

Space and Time also aims for fast adoption, by offering AI-powered natural language queries. Web3 builder teams can thus create user pipelines and dashboards with simple requests, in the end achieving a much faster app launch.

Space and Time DB Offers Fast Access to On-Chain, Off-Chain Data

Additionally, Space and Time offers Web3 API to access data from some of the commonly used blockchains, including Ethereum, Polygon, BNB Chain, Sui Network, and Avalanche. 

Space and Time is also a partner of ChainLink and connects to its oracle services, helping apps integrate them with even more ease. The app can then access both on-chain and off-chain data, with optimized loading speeds. Space and Time shares some features with The Graph blockchain project and other decentralized call and storage startups. 

All SQL requests are sent trustlessly over dedicated smart contracts built by Space and Time. Apps can also make calls to gather user behavior data, such as tracking the latest winners, top wallets and most engaged users. The data remains pseudonymous, but apps can still analyze their effect on the blockchain. Space and Time aims for scalability, to be able to access the data that is constantly generated by blockchain users.

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