Chainstack Brings More Options with Natural Language Web3 Infrastructure

Chainstack offers tiered access with white-label services and enterprise-grade subscriptions.
  • Chainstack is a scalable solution for Web3 projects to make calls on the most widely used blockchains.
  • Developers can access a basic Chainstack service for free, with fees for scaling.
  • Chainstack offers calls packages, nodes, as well as cloud services.

Chainstack is aggregating tools for multiple blockchains, with the addition of AI tools to organize Web3 features. The toolset now includes ChatGPT plugins, allowing new project creators to test Web3 infrastructure with natural language models.

Chainstack has chosen a track similar to Alchemy, aggregating multiple blockchains, projects and partnerships into its Web3 building toolbox.

Chainstack covers most of the largest blockchains, such as Ethereum, Polygon, Solana, as well as Avalanche subnets. The Chainstack services also extend to more niche blockchains. Chainstack includes Tezos, Fuse, Harmony Protocol, Aptos, Starnet and a long list of old and newer blockchains and scaling solutions. 

Chainstack Offers Several Service Tiers

One of the main features of Chainstack is that all partner blockchains are available for fast calls and premium access. For developers, a basic package of access and queries is available, with several tiers from growth projects to enterprises. 

Chainstack offers access to Elastic Full Nodes, which allows each development team up to 3M calls to a list of top blockchains. This tier offers enough queries for new projects to get on a growth track, and upgrade to higher-tier packages.

Potential developers and enterprises can also build custom packages, based on the networks used and a predicted estimate of monthly calls to a blockchain. Chainstack is one of the projects tapping the rich data of blockchains and the potential to transparently track multiple events, similar to Airstack

Chainstack Offers Node Cloud Services

Chainstack is compatible with the biggest providers of Web3 cloud services, such as Microsoft Azure, AWS and Google Cloud. Additionally, Chainstack has its limited native cloud service, along with the ability to onboard third-party cloud solution. The Chainstack services are available for the US, Europe, and Asia-Pacific regions.

For new scaling network projects, Chainstack also offers node hosting and other infrastructure services. Some of the services and computation are paid on an hourly basis, allowing projects to predict costs. Chainstack already works with multiple DeFi projects, and recently added the Eldarune NFT game.

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