Top 5 Organizers of Events and Hackathons for Web3 Developers in 2023

Hackathon events are spreading to new regions, offering in-person insights for Web3 developers, but also content creators and marketers.

Hackathons and events are a central key to Web3 growth. With real teams meeting up, the growth trend continues. Web3 has already decoupled from pure crypto space, with products targeted to creating usable, sustainable games and apps. 

Hackathons also bring a reward pool, offering teams the opportunity for early funding. They are also a way to vet the best teams and avoid scam projects. We picked some of the best organizers of hackathons

ETHGlobal: Leading Tokyo Hackathon and More

ETHGlobal holds a series of in-person events in most regions, recently wrapping up its Tokyo edition. The Tokyo Hackathon expanded the presence of ETHGlobal into Southeast Asia, one of the most active regions for P2E games.

The next event for ETHGlobal is in Lisbon, one of the cities known for its blockchain communities. The event will take place between May 12-14, this time returning ETHGlobal to Europe once again. Registrations run until May 1, though ETHGlobal may plan additional events with similar content. ETHGlobal aggregates some of the most important platforms and tools for Web3 features using the Ethereum Virtual Machine.

ETHGlobal has been around since 2017, bringing together developers, creators, artists, marketing experts and more roles in its regular meetups. The Ethereum ecosystem remains the largest in Web3, tapping into a growing pool of talent, while also ensuring connectivity and trading possibilities. 

ETHGLobal hackathons and events have one of the biggest prize pools, collected from long-time partners in the industry. Ethereum also has more Web3 tools compared to niche networks, and is boosted by technologies from Polygon, ImmutableX and other scaling solutions. 

Polkadot: Focusing on NFT Hackathons

Polkadot is one of the older innovative projects, which has a unique technology for scaling. Polkadot and the Kusama ecosystem offer chances to build parachains for scalable and fast transactions. 

Polkadot is educating developers, and is currently focusing on the NFT side of its technology. Only a few days are left to the May edition of the Lake Bled hackathon.

The event, and potential future events, will gather a mix of developers and experts in the legal side of crypto. The goal is to showcase the potential of the Polkadot technology toolset.

Polkadot hackathons aim to bring teams with an already advanced idea, and some events call for prototype presentations. Polkadot also aims to grow an organic community, and offer growth to parachains with more apps and games. Polkadot hackathons are supported by the Web3 Foundation, and so far dozens of online and regional events have been completed. This makes Polkadot one of the top resources for networking, rewards and project boosting for Web3 developers.

ConsenSys: Adding to Ethereum Infrastructure

ConsenSys remains one of the leading startups dedicated to building up the Ethereum infrastructure. ConsenSys is almost always a part of events dedicated to Ethereum and has offered support to other project hackathons. 

In April, ConsenSys took part in ETH Taipei hackathon, offering a workshop on its available technologies. 

Dystopia Labs: Organizing Ethereum Summits

Dystopia Labs specializes in organizing summits and speaker events focusing on Ethereum, but also other blockchain projects. The events also bring networking to developers and present the latest opportunities in Web3.

Dystopia Labs also wants to build a grassroots movement for Web3 topics and emerging AI tools. The events include large-scale summits and hundreds of specialized workshops, with a community of nearly 30K participants.

In addition to inviting speakers, Dystopia Labs events also include networking for Web3 positions, as well as some funding opportunities.

Nervos: Supporting Top Talents with Competitive Hackathons

Since 2022, Nervos aims to bring together Web3 talent for competitive events. Nervos is building a growing knowledge base for Web3, while offering a native blockchain. 

The Nervos blockchain is also tapping constant innovation and communication between developers. Nervos is building a knowledge hub, shared in the framework of a DAO. Nervos is also specifically asking for development on its native blockchain, with games and other apps possible. 

Nervos was also part of the Consensus 2023 conference in Austin, Texas, and is organizing small-scale events to boost its knowledge base. 

Events and hackathons in Web3 are offering a mixed selection of formats, from global conferences to small seminars and from the inspirational to the highly technical. Some of the hackathons also offer significant prize pools, or can be a source of funding for new Web3 games. Hackathons and events have also returned full force after the end of pandemic restrictions, showing the potential of Web3 to tap talent.

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